
Since it’s all the rage, I thought I’d sit down and throw together a pseudo-retrospective of the past ten years. Originally it wouldn’t be something that I’d be interested in doing whatsoever. I try very hard to be a “look forward” type of person because nostalgia can be debilitating for me. Give me a box of old photos and you …



I started smoking when I was 18 years old. About ten years ago, my then wife and I quit smoking together. Well, kind of. I quit and hid in the basement, and two weeks later she quit and hid in the second floor. So long as we didn’t come into contact with one another for about two months, all was …

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*taps microphone* Is this thing on? Oh, good. It’s been over two years since I’ve written anything here. That, in itself, is a tragedy. A long time ago this was an outlet for me that I use regularly. Unfortunately the calls of social media divided my attention to the point where I would simply condense my thoughts into a few …



Finally, blessedly, this election over. I’m positive I’m not alone in this sentiment. I’ve been biting my tongue so much that I feel as though I need a blood transfusion. But I’ll just come out and say it: I’m not happy with the result. That is oversimplifying how I actually feel, but I decided on Wednesday morning that I’m not …

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As some of you know, I’ve been doing my best to avoid the Chernobyl-like levels of political radiation sickness that enveloped me whole back during the early-Dubya years. It wasn’t easy. Much like anything you have an interest for, it’s easy to fall into old habits. But I was pretty happy that I was able to avoid getting into verbal …

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I’m beginning to liken the hardcore second amendment folks with Pavlov’s dogs. But instead of a bell causing them to drool at the thought of food, it’s the NRA saying Democrats want to take their guns away and they froth at the mouth and lose their collective shit. I’ve done my best to stay on the sidelines in this instance. …

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My sons were born three months premature. Each of them came in just a hair over two pounds each and by the time they came home, each of them already had more extensive surgery than I had. I suppose it was the monumental stress caused by needed procedures and the closeness each of them came to leaving this world that …

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I’ve done my best to put some distance between myself and the current Presidential election here in the US. Having been fully invested in the 2004 and 2008 campaigns, I saw what it did to my usual easy-going humor and turned me into a nasty little troll on the internets. It affected the way I interacted with people and overall …

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Into (And Out Of) The Pit

My daughter is a Netflix junkie. While I’m sure, in her quick and more than likely loud defense, she’d point out that I’m just as bad as she is. My only retort is that, one, we’re talking about her, and two, Netflix junkies probably outnumber the population of Belgium. Seriously. Someone should just make a flag and draft a constitution …

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